
The Importance of a Healthy Hoof

The Importance of a Healthy Hoof

Horse hoof care is an important issue for all horse owners.  While a horse may be able to sustain injury or illness in many parts of its body, the hoof bears weight and so adds hundreds of pounds of stress to any ailment.  Maintaining a healthy hoof is the best way to give your horses a good shot at long, healthy lives. How do we maintain a healthy hoof? The first step is to make sure you regularly pick out your horse’s hooves. This will help you to take the time to get to know your horse better and give...

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Spring Grazing: Top Tips for Nourishing Your Horse as Seasons Change

Spring Grazing: Top Tips for Nourishing Your Horse as Seasons Change

As winter bids farewell and the vibrant hues of spring unfold, horse owners embark on a crucial transition in their equine care routines. Spring is a season of renewal and growth, and ensuring your horse receives the right nutrition during this period is essential for their health and vitality. In this blog, we'll explore top tips for feeding your horse this spring, guiding you through the nutritional considerations that accompany the blossoming of a new season. 1. Evaluate Pasture Conditions: Before adjusting your horse's diet, assess the state of your pasture. Spring grass is rich in nutrients, but its sugar...

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Difference Between Store Bought Eggs and Fresh Farm Eggs

Difference Between Store Bought Eggs and Fresh Farm Eggs

If you had pulled me aside when I was younger and asked if I knew the difference between store bought and fresh farm eggs, my response would most likely be, ‘eggs are eggs.’ Basically, I didn’t think there was a difference and all eggs were just delicious.  However, there is a difference between the two. I first learned this difference when I went to college in Central New York. Central New York is where I developed a passion for farmer’s markets, the concept of farm to table, and the importance of supporting your local community. So what is the real...

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Why Every Dog Should Be Tagged

Why Every Dog Should Be Tagged

Dogs are often described as man’s best friend. As owners we believe that our dog sees us the same way. Yes, they are our pets and yes, they are animals, but we treat them like they are family. To take a quote from a popular Disney Movie, ‘family means nobody gets left behind.’ Losing a dog can be devastating. In case of an emergency, you need to be able to find your pet, or for other people to be able to notify you if they find your furry family member. This is why every dog should be tagged first and...

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The Best and Safest Ways to Feed a Horse

The Best and Safest Ways to Feed a Horse

Understanding the basic dietary needs of your equine friend is an essential part of ownership. Horses are foragers, meaning they graze. Meeting this natural characteristic is imperative.• Hay: Hay is commonly the preferred source of forage. A safe calculation is 1 pound of hay to every 100 pounds of a horse’s body weight. Allowing a horse to have access to hay all day helps promote a healthy digestive process.• Best Practice for Feeding: The amount of feed given on a daily basis should be determined by the horse’s size and work load. A normal leisure walking horse might have a...

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